Dr Marolyn Ford
PO Box 18377
Tucson, Az 85731

Marolyn Ford is available to speak at your meeting.


Who receives two miracles of equal magnitude?

acieDr. Marolyn Ford's world crumbled at her feet when she became blind at the age of eighteen. Blindness was more than losing her sight, it was a dying to the only way of life she had ever known. While it was scary moving forward with her future in a blind world, Marolyn was more scared to remain where she was. That motivated her to go on to further her education with the use of a tape recorder and by taking oral exams at Tennessee Temple University where she married Acie Ford – a ministerial student.  Marolyn received her doctorate degree from Primus University, Phoenix, Az.

Dr. Marolyn Ford experienced instantaneous and miraculous healing as a result of prayer, not one, but twice in her life. She experienced two of the most incredible and inspiring miracle you will ever read. After losing her eyesight at the age of eighteen, the Clinic pronounced "You're blind Marolyn. There's nothing we can do. No surgery, medication nor glasses will help. Eventually you will lose all your eyesight. Go home and learn to live with it". After 13 years of asking God for restored vision, God came through and restored sight to her blind eyes.

Instantly Marolyn began receiving invitation from far and wide to share her story of God's miraculous power to heal in our world today, Dr. Ford became an inspirational speaker traveling in thirteen countries and the Marolyn Ford Ministries was established.

After 25 years of awesome ministry speaking in the Crusades Churches, Schools Club and Conference Meeting , one day she had a freak accident that eventually brought her ministry to a hault after a dreadful fall in the hot tub with internal damage that lead to a totally paralyzed digestive system. Once again Marolyn was told, "There is nothing we can do, Your life will be short. Go home and get your house in order." Everything was in order. Funeral arrangements had been made. Unless a miracle occurred..... God had other plans for Marolyn''s life. She experienced two miracles of equal magnitude. She moved from tragedy to triumph twice showing forth God's unconditional love and how He works all things together for our good.

Each of her diagnoses came from the highly esteemed Mayo Clinic Doctors.

homeMarolyn says –“I had been reared in a Christian home on a Michigan farm, with an understanding of hard work ethic’s. Now blind, the path that lay in front of me was going to be just that- hard.  It scared me, but the life lessons and foundation that my parents instilled in me would later carry me through the challenging times that lay ahead. Determination was my new driving force.



I might not have had sight, but God had given me a vision for my life.  All I had to do was trust Him, one day at a time, one small step at a time. We don’t always know what our future holds, God does.




Rev. Acie and Marolyn believing God for a miracle.  On August 26h 1972, after thirteen years of not knowing what her husband or little girl looked like, God answered their prayer’s and gave sight to Marolyn’s blind eyes.                         

In 1991, while faithfully serving God through her ministry, Marolyn was struck with another incredible physical challenge.  An accident triggered total Paralysis of her digestive system. Her life became an excruciating painful existence with life and death hanging in the balance. Marolyn was unable to eat or take in liquids. This led to malnourishment and dehydration. In l996 she was placed on intravenous feedings over the next eight years which dripped for eighteen hours a day. 


LecturingThroughout the next 24 years Marolyn became internationally known as an Evangelist.  She taught and shared the miracle testimony in Churches, Crusades & Conference meetings as well as on the radio and television.  Movies and videos have also been produced on her story showing God’s miraculous power.

How do you ask God for a second miracle of such magnitude?  You walk in obedience to God’s word and "come boldly" before the throne of Grace and ask in faith, believing…. God’s word is true.  Again God answered prayer on July 21st, 2003.   Marolyn is healed. She can eat whatever her heart desires and gives God praise from a thankful heart.

--Difficulties in life are often stepping stones.  Trials come to strengthen our endurance in order that we might rise to greater heights. 
                                                                                           Author Unknown  


Today Marolyn continues to inspire and challenge her audience to new levels of faith as she shares in meetings large and small to reveal the power of God to heal and change lives.    



How do you ask God for a second miracle of such magnitude?  You "go boldly" before the throne and ask for one - which is what they did.  After twelve years of living with this horrible illness, in 2003 God miraculously healed Marolyn's entire digestive system by giving her a second miracle!  Today she can eat whatever her heart desires and her digestive system works beautifully.
You will be deeply touched, challenged and inspired by her endurance and faith to believe God for yet another miracle of healing from this life-shattering challenge.   It's a story you do not want to miss!


Dr. Ford is available to speak for your organization.
Contact: Marolyn Ford Ministries 616 856 0217    marolynford@bellsouth.net


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Marolyn Ford Ministries

PO Box 18377
Tucson, Az 85731

616 856 0217 (cell)





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