Dr Marolyn Ford
PO Box 18377
Tucson, Az 85731

Marolyn Ford is available to speak in your area!



Dr. Marolyn Ford - Inspirational
and Motivational Speaker.

Marolyn’s two fantastic miracles document the power of God to change lives and restore that which was lost.  She draws in her audience in a way that will make them laugh and cry; they will remember it forever! 

Encouraging and inspiring people, Marolyn challenges her audience to grow spiritually and to be faithful to what is right and true.

She has shared her miraculous testimony on television and radio, both nationally and internationally, in schools, churches, banquets, retreats, conference meetings, civic clubs and business meetings. 

Is your organization looking for a speaker? Marolyn’s story will bring great encouragement to those in need, or those who simply need to be motivated.

Marolyn, after watching your testimony (Giving Thanks) on You Tube . . . what an amazing story! I have never heard a more inspiring testimony.  Best of luck.    
-New York 

There is always hope with God

I believe God has given each of us unique abilities and talents to use for His glory.singing

Each of us has a destiny to fulfill. Ask yourself, “What are the dreams and desires of my heart?What am I able to do because of the abilities I possess?What am I able to do because of my disabilities? Whether healed or not, God will give you an open door to fulfill His purpose for your life on earth.

We all have hardships and personal challenges in life. We all have mountains to climb and moments when we wonder how we can possibly endure. Marolyn shares her courageous journey of faith and inspires people everywhere to believe what God says for what He says He will do? She not only shares her life story, she teaches on prayer, faith and trust in God.

Awesome! Terrific! Anointed!
-Billie Cash, Memphis, TN

Rev. Cynthia Palmer
Marolyn Ford has a powerful and miraculous story to share.  She will inspire young and old.  Her youthful attitude makes her a great speaker and motivation.
                               July 25, 2018

Church Cooper
Most never experience a true miracle but Marolyn was blessed with two of them.  Her excitement and passion sharing them is a story that needs to be heard by everyone!
                            July 28, 2018


If you would like her to inspire your group,
call Marolyn Ford Ministries  (616) 856-0217.   marolynford@bellsouth.net


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Marolyn Ford Ministries

PO Box 18377
Tucson, Az 85731

616 856 0217 (cell)


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